Seek your goals without conflicts

There are cost benefits of using our independent financial advisor that go beyond merely increasing wealth and financial gain

We reduce the cost of your investments

Using ETFs that efficiently replicate international financial market indexes with extremely low costs and commissions

Selecting internationally known SICAVs with the most favorable commission classes, giving back to you part of the commissions paid

Postponing payment of tax on earnings at the time of their recovery, ETFs and SICAVs allow you to invest accrued taxes not yet paid

Find out the cost of our service based upon your wealth

The cost of our services is not linked to the selected ETFs and SICAVs. This makes possible to eliminate any conflict of interest connected to their management fees.
There are no commissions linked to the performance of your investments which could lead to higher risks

Costs structure
Total wealth invested
Quarterly cost
€ 0 – 500.000,00
500,00 €
> 500.000,00