Your wealth is unique and deserves careful attention

GWA was born from the multicultural experience and professionalism of a team of independent financial advisors with the idea of offering a family office service supporting you not only on the financial side but also on administrative and personal issues, granting a lifestyle management

From the past to the future, we direct you where the calculation potential of artificial intelligence is guided by our experience

The whole experience of the founders of GWA Investments multi-family office flows into the platform, created in collaboration with Earnext Sa and Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA) of the Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI), for an innovative approach to financial advisory services

The collaboration with the Institute of Artificial Intelligence allows for the creation of algorithms which evolve with the experience based on the processing of decades of data and variables (Big Data)

We align your financial objectives to your standard of living in the context of your total wealth, measuring the probability of achieving them (Goal Based Investing - GBI), thus overcoming the traditional approach based exclusively on your generic risk appetite, which is difficult, if not impossible, to interpret

75%100% Preservation      Growth  Aspiration50%

We generate market scenarios that take into consideration the trends of all the main macro-economic variables (market indexes, interest rates, employment, inflation, exchange rates, etc.) and your constraints (maximum loss, volatility, market exposure, etc.), selecting the investment portfolios that have the highest probability to reach your financial objectives (Probabilistic Scenario Optimization - PSO)

We help you to build and monitor your investment portfolio over time by recommending extremely diversified and efficient financial instruments such as ETFs and SICAVs. We select the ETFs that best replicate global financial markets indexes with extremely contained costs (passive management) and the SICAVs of the best international fund managers in the most favourable commission classes (active management)

By regaining for you part of SICAVs management fees, we are able to reduce the cost of these instruments to the extremely low ones of ETFs. Furthermore, ETFs and SICAVs are also efficient tools from a fiscal point of view, allowing the postponement of taxation at the time of realization